Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I don't know why I haven't been able to sleep lately, but it's starting to get a bit inconvenient. It has, however, provided me with time to catch up on reading and music a bit. Here's what I've been doing instead of sleeping:
  • Mountains Beyond Mountains - An account of the making of the great Paul Farmer, a guy who has been taking on public health in the world's poorest of communities. Really good book. It was interesting to me because of the work that my company does in sustainability and appropriate technology and the model we use to address public health issues. In the book, it didn't seem like Farmer really cared whether his methods were sustainable or not, but rather that each individual patient received the highest quality of care, regardless of their location or their ability to pay for treatment. He's written a bunch of books about the inequities of health care, which I plan on reading as well.
  • New Moon - I know these books are written for 13-year-old girls, but I recently saw the Twilight movie, and for some reason am now obsessed. They're a fun read though!
  • No One Belongs Here More Than You - Miranda July is awesome. She did the movie Me and You and Everyone We Know, which is so great. This is a series of short stories about normal people doing normal things, but written in such a sweet and honest way.
  • CSS - Brazilian band who were apparently featured in an iTunes ad last year, but I missed it while I was abroad. Love them. "Music is my Hot Hot Sex" or "Alala" are two of my favorites.
  • Grand Ole Party - Love the lead singer's voice. So cool. Download "Look Out Young Son."
P.S. - I got pictures from Cali up on my Flickr account finally if you want to check them out.

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