Wednesday, December 17, 2008

'tis the season

I'm so excited for Christmas!!!!!

I haven't much been in the Christmas spirit lately. Since returning from Oaxaca, I've been crazy busy with a bunch of new work projects, leaving me little time to take in all the wonders that are Christmas. Yesterday, however, was definitely a Christmas turning point!

So yesterday was the first really big snow of the season. I decided I needed a Christmas pick me up, what with the snow and all, so I made my amigo Sean help me bake something like 820,287,392,281 Christmas cookies while rocking out to all the best Christmas tunes. We, of course, also decorated the apartment with Christmas lights and candy canes, made our Christmas wish lists and got all dolled up for no apparent reason. I just like dressing up. =) I did feel somewhat like a 50's housewife wearing my dress and heels and apron while baking cookies. Truth be told, Sean did most of the actual cooking, but he's a trained professional, so I figured it was best to let him do it.

Check out our cooking fiesta on my Flickr if you please.

Also worth mentioning: After we finished our baking fiesta, we decided to go to a psuedo-Christmas dinner at a really amazing Korean restaurant in Logan Square - Urban Belly. Sean, who is a chef at Hot Chocolate, is friends with this other chef who knows the chef of Urban Belly...I don't really know how it worked. Moral of the story is we got a ton of amazing food all for free! Love it. Even if it weren't for free, I would definitely go back. The food is so good, the prices aren't bad, the atmosphere is really cool and it's BYOB, which I love. So if you're looking for quality Korean food check out Urban Belly.

In other Christmas-y news, I'm so excited to be home for Christmas this year! I missed Christmas last year while I was in Peru (I should do a re-cap of my Christmas in Peru...perhaps another night). Anyway, I can't wait to see everyone! And with that, I'm off to make my company Christmas card...working at 1030PM? Kinda lame...

Peace out all!

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