I had to say my goodbyes to the Urubamba staff on Thursday night at the Grupo Cinco show, which, by the way, was INSANE. I heart Grupo Cinco FOREVER. Friday was my last day in the office and my last day in Cusco. My co-workers and friends made my despedida last all day, which made me feel so loved (and made me hate having to leave...).
Irma made my favorite mid morning snack, fried yucca and aji. After we all devoured it, I went to lunch with Sandrita to say our goodbyes and then went to San Blas (the SoHo of Cusco) to buy some art. Now, I don't know a lot about art, but the pieces that I bought are pretty amazing. One of the galleries I went into was featuring a Cusquenan artist named Walter Hurtado Bejar, who does abstract oil and acrylic paintings. I bought a bunch - probably too many, but I couldn't help myself. I'll post pics of them once I'm not in an airport and hopefully one day I'll find myself some walls to display them.
Anyway, after lunch and shopping, I went home to finish packing up my apartment (amazingly I was able to maneuver everything I own into just 2 checked bags, 1 carry on and my guitar). Packing was too sad, so I went back to the office and received many hugs, a fantastic leather bag and...my Lucia concert ticket! So exciting! Rebecca, Jackie and I headed over early to nab a table and Sandra, Milagro, Liz and Carmen met us there a bit later.
The concert was at Pachamama in Cusco. Pachamama is a restaurant, an expensive restaurant, but I guess since we all paid s/40 for the concert ticket, they thought it'd be ok if we didn't eat their food. Everyone was going across the street to the market and bringing in their own food and after awhile, people started bringing in pizzas, which made me totally jealous.
Anyway, there were a few opening numbers, the first being a group of 6 or 7 dudes playing their guitars and singing along, nothing very remarkable. Following the group of dudes, someone announced the next performer to be Ms. Poala Ruiz. Some of my friends' reactions were as follows:
"She is really beautiful - in a whore way." - Sandrita "Ms.? Ms. Whore." - Milagros (ProPeru's 40-something party animal)
Sandrita also said the girls at Base Men were "hookers" so I didn't really believe her description of Poala Ruiz. As soon as Ms. Whore/Ruiz came out, I changed my mind. Wearing her little lingerie outfit, she came out with a microphone, so I prepared myself for a nice little musical number...but...wait...no...There was no singing. Instead she just kind of shimmied around the stage and she wasn't even that good at the shimmying! After shaking her big boobies around the stage for a bit, she finally had a dance contest with 3 random dudes she selected from the audience. It was a pretty hilarious spectacle, but I have to admit, Sandrita was right in her description. Really beautiful, but in a whore way.
This is exactly what she did last night - same song, same dance, different outfit.
FINALLY, the main act came out. Lucia is a famous Criolla singer from Lima and she is AMAZING. I'm pretty sure both Tyra and Tim would agree that she is FIERCE. Her voice is huge, her laugh is hilarious, her lyrics are great and she was constantly walking around the venue, taking pictures with people while singing. My group was definitely a.) the most intoxicated and b.) the biggest Lucia fans, so I'm pretty sure Lucia knew who we were by the end of the night. =)
So that was my despedida. I said goodbye to everyone this morning, lugged all my stuff to the airport and off I went. And thus my summer of airports and airplanes begins with 8 hours sitting in the Lima airport, a stop for customs in New Jersey and finally landing in Chicago. At least for the next four weeks. =)
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