I don't think I can say enough about mangoes. I could eat them forever. I went to the little market with Augustin, ProMexico's project coordinator, yesterday and he educated me on all the wonderfulness that is the world of mangoes. I had no idea there were so many different kinds and sizes and colors and tastes. I basically spent a week's worth of grocery money on bags and bags of mangoes, which I am trying not to eat all in the same day. Amazing.
Reason #34: 85 Degrees and Sunny
Now, I've only been in Oaxaca for a total of four days now, but every day since I've been here has been 85 degrees and sunny. Perfect. Rainy season is creeping, but that just means a light afternoon shower, which is always a nice reprieve from the heat. Coming from the midwest "spring," rainy season in Oaxaca is just about the best thing ever.
Reason #65: Art, Art, Everywhere
The streets of Oaxaca serve as unofficial curators to revolutionary graffiti that extols Mexico’s indigenous liberators, demands basic human rights and creates a streaming dialogue in the streets to help foster solidarity among the people. Far from delinquent, these open air frescoes inspire, incite, and foment action in a city that has often felt its first amendment rights repressed by a string of regimes that have dominated the “democratic” practice since the end of the Mexican Revolution in 1917.On their recent trip to Oaxaca, the NYU students were lucky enough to attend a graffiti workshop with local legend “Guillermo,” whose politically and humanely motivated messages heightened his respect in the artistic community during the Oaxaca teachers’ strike of 2006. Teaching his practiced stencil design technique, Guillermo gave the students the tools and skills to broadcast their deep held beliefs and passions with nothing more than some plastic sheets, a sharp knife and some spray paint.
Reason #17: 5 Behemia Bottles for 90 Pesos
You really can't beat this deal. The open air bar across the street from the office runs it every night. At first I thought it was just a Tuesday night promocion, but turns out it's just how much their Bohemia bottles cost. What better way to unwind after a day of work than to walk across the street, and drink delicious beer for $1?
Much love for Oaxaca. I promise to update more now that I actually have updates to send.
Peace out.
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